[mIRC] Request: Ban an IP file
A quick and short script written to zline IPs in a specified file. The IPs must be listed in the file as one IP per line, e.g.:
Follow the instructions to use.
; To use: ;1) Type /ipban.reset ;2) Ensure you specify the right file/directory in set %ipban.ipfile "nodes.csv" ;3) Type /ipban ;4) Wait until script completes, can take a while depending on size of file. alias -l ipban_next { if (%ipban.pos <= %ipban.total) { zline $+(*@,$read(%ipban.ipfile,%ipban.pos)) 1d Tor Exit Servers are not permitted on this network inc %ipban.pos ipban } else { echo -atc info *** Zlined %ipban.total IPs from %ipban.ipfile .unset %ipban.* } } alias ipban { set %ipban.ipfile "nodes.csv" if ($isfile(%ipban.ipfile) == $false) { echo -atc info *** IP Ban Error: %ipban.ipfile does not exist | return } set %ipban.total $lines(%ipban.ipfile) if (%ipban.pos == $null) { set %ipban.pos 1 } .timer -m 1 5 ipban_next } alias ipban.reset .unset %ipban.*
Let me bring to attention my use of timers over a while loop for budding scripters.
The reason is for large IP files, a while loop will freeze your script. For this reason a timer was used with a 5 millisecond delay, ensuring fast zlines but without freezing the script.
I will edit this script to auto carry out /ipban.reset upon execution, but, as of now, this isn’t required as it does its job (plus I’m short on time again!!!).
Note: to edit the zline time and message:
zline $+(*@,$read(%ipban.ipfile,%ipban.pos)) 1d Tor Exit Servers are not permitted on this network
“1d” to something you want
“Tor Exit Servers are not permitted on this network” to something you want