Version 1.02 – Now detects if +c or +S is set on the channel, and will stop using colour if it is.
Copy the code below:
; Colour talker v1.02
;- first release
;- fixed a silly coding error -_-, my bad (numbers wouldn't show in colour talker)
;- added a bit more error checking, still not perfect, but I can't be arsed right now.
;- Detects channel mode +S or +c (strip colour codes, block colour codes) and will stop using colour in accordance
on *:LOAD:{
echo -atc info * Info: Successfully loaded colour talker.
echo -atc info * Info: For a quick guide on how to use this, type /ctalk help.
echo -atc info * Info: Alternatively you may use the menu, Colour Talker, to set up this script, it only takes a few moments. Enjoy ;).
on *:UNLOAD:{
echo -atc info * Info: Unloading all colour talker variables...
.unset %ctalk.*
echo -atc info * Successfully unloaded colour talker.
#Ctalker off
on *:INPUT:*: {
if ($left($1,1) == $chr(47)) || (Status Window == $active) || (@* iswm $active) return
if ((c isincs $chan($chan).mode) || (S isincs $chan($chan).mode)) return
if ($ctalk == $false) {
echo -atc info * Error: You have colour talker enabled but have not set up your colours, type $+($chr(2),/ctalk set,$chr(2)) to set it up.
else {
;set start marker
var %x 1
;loop, while marker is less than total tokens
while (%x <= $gettok($1-,0,32)) {
;get the first letter of current token
var %first $mid($gettok($1-,[ %x ],32),1,1)
;get the rest of the word, set it to our text variable
var %text %text $replace($mid($gettok($1-,[ %x ],32),1,1),[ %first ], $+($chr(3),[ %ctalk.c1 ],[ %first ],$chr(3),[ %ctalk.c2 ])) $+ $mid($gettok($1-,[ %x ],32),2,$calc($len($gettok($1-,[ %x ],32) - 1)))
;increase our marker, move on to next token
inc %x
msg $active %text
#Ctalker END
alias ctalk {
if $isid {
if ($len(%ctalk.c1) == 1) || $len(%ctalk.c1) > 2) || (%ctalk.c1 > 15) || (%ctalk.c1 !isnum) return $false
elseif ($len(%ctalk.c2) == 1) || $len(%ctalk.c2) > 2) || (%ctalk.c2 > 15) || (%ctalk.c2 !isnum) return $false
else return $true
if ($ctalk == $false) echo -atc info * Error: Type $+($chr(2),/ctalk set,$chr(2)) to set up.
if ($1) {
if ($1 == on) {
if ($group(#ctalker) == on) echo -atc info * Error: Colour talker is already enabled
else {
.enable #ctalker
echo -atc info * Info: Colour talker is now $+($chr(2),enabled,$chr(2))
if ($1 == off) {
if ($group(#ctalker) == off) echo -atc info * Error: Colour talker is already disabled
else {
.disable #ctalker
echo -atc info * Info: Colour talker is now $+($chr(2),disabled,$chr(2))
if ($1 == set) {
var %ctalk.confirm $$input(We are now going to set up the colour talker! $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Press "Ctrl + K" for colour reference.,oi,Colour Talker)
set %ctalk.c1 $remove($$input(Choose a colour: e.g. 2,eo,Select Colour One,%ctalk.c1),$chr(3))
if ($len(%ctalk.c1) > 2) || (%ctalk.c1 > 15) || (%ctalk.c1 !isnum) {
echo -atc info * Error: Colour selected must be a numerical value between 0 and 15.
goto colour1
if ($len(%ctalk.c1) == 1) set %ctalk.c1 $+(0,%ctalk.c1)
set %ctalk.c2 $remove($$input(Choose a colour: Ex. 12,eo,Select Colour Two,%ctalk.c2),$chr(3))
if ($len(%ctalk.c2) > 2) || (%ctalk.c2 > 15) || (%ctalk.c2 !isnum) {
echo -atc info * Error: Colour selected must be a numerical value between 0 and 15.
goto colour1
if ($len(%ctalk.c2) == 1) set %ctalk.c2 $+(0,%ctalk.c2)
if ($1 == help) || ($1 == info) {
echo -atc info $str($chr(42),115)
echo -atc info * The colour talker enables you type in colours that will brighten up your IRC chat a bit (or annoy other users!).
echo -atc info * Please note this script took just a few minutes to conjure up. Any problems get in touch! forgotten, #mIRC, #Coding,
echo -atc info * Now the important stuff, how to use this thing:
echo -atc info * To set the colour talker colours type: /ctalk on
echo -atc info * To turn the colour talker on type: /ctalk on
echo -atc info * To turn the colour talker off type: /ctalk on
echo -atc info * For this guide again type: /ctalk help
echo -atc info $str($chr(42),115)
elseif ($1 == $null) echo -atc info * For help using the colour talker type: /ctalk help
menu channel,status {
Colour Talker
.Set Colours:ctalk set
.Help/Info:ctalk help
. -
. $iif($group(#Ctalker) == on,$style(1) Enable,Enable):ctalk on
. $iif($group(#Ctalker) == off,$style(1) Disable,Disable):ctalk off
/ctalk help
– Concise information on using this script
You can also use the popups.
I can’t remember who requested this script, and I’m sure I passed it on via IRC anyway. But regardless 😛 here it is for everyone else to see. As always comments/criticism/advise welcomed.